
标题: 2010 学习技术预测:关于移动学习(mLearning)的讨论 [打印本页]

作者: etthink    时间: 2010-1-23 07:34
标题: 2010 学习技术预测:关于移动学习(mLearning)的讨论

提出前一种观点(移动学习会退出)的是Roger Schank博士。身为情景学习的提倡者,Schank博士认为,学习是发生在具体的情景之中的。学习者需要在一定的情景之下有大量练习的机会。整天的盯着狭小的手机屏幕并不实际,而且这样的学习也不会在乘车的时候发生。下面是Schank博士的原话:
"Mobile e-learning will go away. There is always the latest thing in e-learning that everyone must do. One of my least favorite of these is mobile e-learning. E-learning will not happen, at least not seriously, on mobile phones. Why not? Because it takes time to learn something. You have to really understand a situation. You have to practice a skill. You have to consider alternatives. You have to create deliverables. At least you do for the e-learning that I build. This takes time—a lot of time. It was seriously suggested recently in a full year all day every day course I was building, that we needed to make it available on mobile phones. I don't know about you, but staring at mobile phone for an hour makes my eyes hurt. Try doing it all day for a year. It makes no sense. We don't learn anything instantly. Real learning is not done on a train or a bus. The kinds of courses that can be delivered that way will be shown to not be particularly useful. "
Roger C. Schank, Socratic Arts Corp., and eLearn Magazine opinion columnist

另外一种观点则是认为移动学习有发展的空间。因为“重复使用的学习包,模拟化学习,游戏化学习等能够为移动学习提供空间。”此外,及时学习也是移动学习能够提供的一大优点。反对者还提到用手机可以及时的上Google查资料, 上Flash学习网站进行简短的学习,或者是查看RSS消息等。



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